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May 28, 2021
Empaths: Do We Take on People's Issues? And What to Do About It
As empaths and sensitive types, do we actually "take on" other people's issues, or is there something else going on? I think the answer...

May 5, 2021
6 Steps for Healing Your Acute Anxiety
It was about 9 months ago that I experienced the most acute anxiety of my life. After months of burnout symptoms, I had a panic attack...

Apr 30, 2021
Intuition & the 3 Levels of Listening
It was during my coaching training, at CoActive Training Institute, that I first learned about the 3 Levels of Listening. I realized that...

Apr 26, 2021
The Experiences that Led Me to Become an Intuitive Coach
Over the years, I've had numerous clients ask me about my journey of becoming an intuitive coach. In this video, I describe a few of the...

Apr 3, 2021
Love is My Teacher
Love is my teacher. She beckons me to continue to open. To not know. To surrender. To put to bed my endless strategies for generating...

Apr 1, 2021
Listening to Your Soul
Who am I? What do I really want? If I could contribute one thing to this world, what would it be? Why? These are the questions I have...

Mar 22, 2021
Why, as an Intuitive, I Don't Talk about "Dark Beings"
Over the years, I've had several students in my intuition courses ask me about the "dark beings" thing-- why I don't often talk about...

Nov 17, 2020
Was this a Nervous Breakdown? A Spiritual Unraveling?
This is a very vulnerable share about the last 2+ months of my life. Was it a nervous breakdown? A big spiritual unraveling & opening? I...

Jul 3, 2020
The Upper Limit Problem: A New Way of Working with it
What is the Upper Limit Problem? All of us have a comfort zone - we all have a limit on how much positive or expansive stuff we feel...

May 25, 2020
Double Arrowing: How we Compound our Pain with Shame
The Buddha told a parable that goes something like this: "If you get struck by an arrow, do you then shoot another arrow into yourself?"...

May 16, 2020
COVID-19: Lingering Symptoms, a Dark Night of the Soul and Spiritual Awakenings
Over the last few months, by some mysterious coincidence, I have had a large number of clients contract Covid-19 (and some have had the...

Apr 29, 2020
Your Creative Expression: Is it Soul Inspired or Ego-Motivated?
This is a topic near and dear to my heart... in large part because I played the game of ego-motivated creative expression for far too...

Apr 13, 2020
Feeling Angry? Try Opening to the Emotions Underneath Your Anger
I've studied anger for years (and did a TedxTalk on the topic), and yet I still found myself feeling some gnarly anger over these last...

Apr 6, 2020
Awakened Grief: We are in this Together
Taking a deep breath into my heart. I am feeling for and with all of those grieving right now - grieving the loss of a loved one,...

Mar 31, 2020
3 Steps to Get Grounded & Self-Regulate in these Intense Times
Anyone else keep waking up thinking this is all a bad dream? Are any of you feeling clear, grounded one minute and then feeling anxious...

Mar 18, 2020
5 Tips for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People During the Coronavirus
Just wanting to reach out and share a few tips and perspectives for us empathic and sensitive types during this time of fear, panic and...

Mar 15, 2020
6 Potent Ways to Better Manage Your Fear in a COVID-19 World
Feeling the fear? I am. It woke me up at 5am this morning and I couldn't go back to sleep. My fear feels like a clenching fist in the...

Jan 8, 2020
The 4 Key Steps to Growing Your Intuition
​We all have a gut sense. We all have an inner knowing. But how do we develop it? As a practicing intuitive, here are some of the core...

Oct 8, 2019
The 5 Most Common Misconceptions about Using Intuition & Working with Intuitives
Most of us have certain beliefs about what intuition is and what it means to work with an intuitive (aka. psychic). Well, put frankly,...

May 21, 2019
TEDxTalk- Anger is Your Ally: A Mindful Approach to Anger
Published HERE on (over 600,000 views) How do we create a healthier relationship with anger? Most of us either stuff our anger or...

Mar 13, 2019
These 2 Emotional Intelligence Tools are Key to any Team's Success
Do you notice yourself wanting to avoid uncomfortable team dynamics or difficult conversations? You are not alone. Working on a team can...

Sep 15, 2018
What is Intuition?
What is Intuition? How do we grow our inner knowing? Sharing a little bit here about my journey with one of my favorite topics--...

Sep 1, 2018
Podcast Interview on Anger + Boundaries, with Juna Mustad & Andrea Scher
(This interview was published on Andrea Scher's podcast, The Creative Superheroes Podcast) To listen to this podcast, visit this link...

Jul 7, 2018
Creating a Healthy Relationship with Anger
I have a rather odd passion and complex relationship with the world's most unsavory emotion, Anger. Ever since I was a little girl, I...
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