Love is my teacher.
She beckons me to continue to open.
To not know. To surrender.
To put to bed my endless strategies
for generating perceived
safety and control.
They’ve yet to work anyway.
Love gently whispers,
“The more you open
and the more you let go,
the safer you’ll be.”
I loathe when she says this.
But I admit I feel a resonance in these words.
Words that my mind doesn’t understand,
but my soul deeply hungers for.
Real love is a letting go--
Opening and surrendering without knowing if there is a parachute
or soft ground to land on.
When we step through Love’s portal,
we are unwittingly hurled into the abyss.
Untethered, we fall.
Or rather, our ego thinks we are falling.
But when we stop clinging and our eyes adjust
to the darkness,
we realize that we are not falling to our death,
we are floating.
Floating and swimming and
in the warm black sea of Great Mystery.
Love is
the Great Mystery,
the Divine,
When we open to love with another, or ourselves, or this planet
we are touching The Divine.
Touching fingers. Rubbing toes.
Gazing into the deep-set dark eyes
of this vast,
unknowable Universe.
Love is whispering to me to “Trust.”
To trust this experience with my partner.
To trust my body.
To trust Life.
To trust Her.
Love reminds us that Surrendering & Letting Go
are not synonymous with closing your eyes and going blind.
“Open to this experience,” she says,
“and also keep your eyes Open,
sometimes the writing is on the wall.”
Love doesn’t render us blind,
infatuation does that.
Obsession does that.
Our discomfort with reality does that.
And choosing love,
choosing to open,
Love nudges us to see that change & death
are simply endarkened doorways
to a newer, sweeter place.
Love reminds us that when we are truly in love,
this “in-love-ness” includes Self.
And finally,
Love yearns for us to heal our deepest wounds,
so we can wiggle ourselves out of Fear’s straightjacket,
let down our hair
and dance with her
in the vast and beautiful darkness.
Love isn’t just an emotion,
and she isn’t just a state of being,
Love is a Consciousness.
A Consciousness that is very much
Living, breathing
animated by heartbeat of Life itself.
And when we are connected with her,
we have access to all her delightful bedfellows—
awe, wonder, joy, curiosity, creativity, playfulness and more.
Love is waiting for you to meet her at the rocky edge of the Unknown
Dance with her
Sing with her
Create art with her
Make love with her
Bake bread with her
Love is.
Love is all of this.
We humans have just been distracted at Fear’s way station
for a few hundred thousand years.
Who wants to dance?
- Juna Mustad